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User Profile: Researcher Koki Morizono

Hello all, I recently sat down with Dr. Koki Morizono, an adjunct Professor at UCLA and frequent user of the UCLA Cores. In speaking with Dr. Morizono, I was surprised to hear that his research relies heavily on the Flow Cytometry Core, and that he does not have a commercially available alternative. His situation highlights […]

UCLA CORES: New Promotional Videos

Hello, We are about to begin filming the new Core Technology Centers promotional videos starting Monday, March 21st. If you are able to provide testimonials, an interview, or allow us to film you instrumentation, please email me at mcollazo@mbi.ucla.edu. There will be more than one video produced. Michael Collazo  

Welcome to the Core Manager Resource

Hello all, This page will serve as a resource to our group. Here we will be posting resources regarding opportunities for cores, potential sources of funding, and information regarding agreements. I will be adding information regarding new projects of mine that promote the cores on the core manager login/resource page. These projects only work with your help. Thank […]